Sunday 22 September 2013

True Beauty

The thing I realized about beauty is that it isn’t simple, it has multiple expressions and manifests in many wonderful ways. From the facial beauty to the artistic to the natural and of course the inner beauty.
I’m going to give a two quick scenarios so as to bring understanding of what I’m trying to say.

Scenario 1: You see someone for the first time and at first glance, it feels like you just fell in love, this person is so “beautiful” and you’re beginning to think, I have to know this person, he/she could be the one. But on getting an opportunity to experience who this person is, what you experienced doesn’t match the profile. Upon experiencing said person’s behavior several times, and after getting disappointed several times, the story changes, and who was once a beauty to you starts looking less beautiful, you start seeing every flaw he/she has and what was probably love at first sight becomes something much less.
Scenario 2: You see someone for the first time and at first glance, you don’t even take note of the person because, really, there is nothing fantastic to take note of. Now by chance, you happen to meet said person and upon meeting, you still see a random individual. After meeting this person, you happen to have a long conversation with him/her, thus enabling you to learn a little about who he/she is and you like the conversation and you make a mental note about this person like “not bad” or “he’s cool” or “she’s alright”. You then kick it off from there, and see each other regularly and you get the opportunity to know this person even more and you like who he/she is. As far as I know this person stops being “a random individual” and becomes that interesting friend and who you thought was nothing fantastic starts to look amazing to you and a glow begins to emanate from said person towards you. I call this the Inner Beauty Effect.
I have had these experiences several times and I didn’t get it at first but after some time thinking, it came to me. Anyone who is beautiful inside will find that their beauty will manifest, always. They may say that this person is ugly, but anyone who knows who he/she is will find themselves believing that this person is beautiful and the more you experience the person, the more beautiful they seem to be getting. I happen to know of someone who manages to get more and more beautiful, my mother.
Not just to me, but to everyone around her, she actually truly is physically beautiful, but what astonishes me is how she gets more beautiful, then it clicked, she’s beautiful inside. Now the question is how do you know who is beautiful inside, and the answer is simple, the beautiful people are those who have love in them and of course, we know that means having God in you because God is love. Love is the most beautiful thing ever and if you have it, you’re beautiful, at least, that is what I believe. The best part about it is the fact that the more you understand what love is, the more beautiful you become. 
So love and be beautiful because you are meant to be beautiful.


  1. Very nice post mate :)

  2. i can smell love in the air, who is she ?
